Triscan has recently extended its provision of fleet and fuel management software to Fife Council. As part of a major step forward in telematics, the company has been working with key personnel in Fife’s Fleet Services team to assist with the management of key performance indicators.
Primarily aimed at the authority’s waste and recycling activities, the project involved more closelyidentifying the true costs of services right down to a per household level.
Fleet services manage Fife’s £21m budget for procuring and maintaining the council’s fleet which ranges from car-derived vans and minibuses to large, specialised commercial vehicles.
Historically, Triscan provided fuel management and monitoring systems to 17 of the council’s sites (which also cater for the region’s fire service vehicles), but increasingly the requirements placed upon managing data from disparate IT solutions has meant that the brief has changed.
What prompted the project?
The recent Comprehensive Spending Review has resulted in increased levels of accountability across many public service organisations. Fife’s Fleet Services team was already keen to place more focus on how it utilises its systems. Triscan was pleased to get involved in a project that has involved ring fenced trials with some of the council’s thirstiest vehicles.
The ability to add vehicle data to Triscan’s established fuel management software has givensignificant savings via reductions in fuel usage.
Accurate cost analysis of vital public services has been made more visible to key members of the management team.
Simon Hollingsworth, Triscan’s Managing Director comments – “When a customer as high profile and forward thinking as Fife comes looking for assistance that is not necessarily an ‘out of the box solution’ then you are naturally eager to work with them. We have focused our development resources over the past 12 months and there is no doubt that the introduction of telematics data has demonstrated an improvement to driver behaviour as well as significantly increased cost savings”
Initiatives like this demonstrate Triscan’s unique and innovative approach to its customer base.