Is your fuel equipment ATEX Certified?
Improper practice concerning explosive atmospheres can have disastrous consequences for all concerned. Loss of life, significant damages, serious injuries; all these and more can result if explosive atmospheres are not properly controlled.
According to the Health and Safety Executive, ATEX is the name commonly given to the two European Directives for controlling explosive atmospheres. Explosive atmospheres are often created by the presence of flammable liquids, such as petrol and diesel, which give off vapours that mix with the air. Only a source of ignition provided by a spark, flame or even a static shock is required to cause a potentially devastating explosion.
Why is ATEX needed?
The ATEX directives set out essential health and safety requirements and certify that equipment is safe and suitable for the purpose for which it is designed. ATEX 95 pertains to the type of equipment that must be used, and the second, known as ATEX 137, covers the minimum workplace requirements to improve the protection of workers.
The directives cover any equipment designed to operate in an explosive atmosphere and is capable of igniting it either when operating normally or in the event of a fault. Anyone installing or using fuel storage tanks and pumps must take safety seriously by investing in ATEX-certified equipment where required.
The Triscan Group offer a comprehensive range of fuel equipment and management systems for any and every requirement. The safety of your operation is a priority for the team at Triscan, which is why conforming to ATEX regulations, is essential requirement in the planning, development and installation of your site.
“Our team of fully trained (PIA, Compex, ATEX, DSEAR) engineers ensure that all installations comply with all the latest regulations and safety measures to ensure the continued safe running of our customers sites and facilities.
As PEIMF and APEA members, and alongside the launch of the new Blue book (by the APEA and the Energy Institute), Triscan are ideally placed to help and advise on all issues regarding fuel management” said Mark Whittaker, Technical Manager, The Triscan Group.
Both the Mono and Twin Pumps from Triscan are ATEX for diesel approved and are accurate to at least 0.25%. Manufactured from stainless steel chassis, the Mono and the range of Twin Pumps are ideal for operators looking to install an accurate, reliable but low-cost fuelling solution for use in medium to heavy-duty environments. These systems are compatible with a range of fuel management units, providing a low-cost integrated fuel pump and monitoring system.
C Series Commercial Pump for fuel resale
Triscan’s C Series Commercial pump is ATEX, MID and Weights and measures approved for the resale of fuel. The C Series commercial pumps and dispensers provide the ultimate in commercial fuelling equipment in heavy-duty environments where speed of fuelling and reliability is vital. From large fleet garages, truck stops, marinas or small airfields, the C Series commercial range provides a robust, accurate and visually attractive fuelling solution.
All C Series pumps are built to the highest specification from long lasting stainless steel and they all incorporate the latest technology. These C Series Commercial pumps are available in either mono or twin models, and in four speeds – 45, 70, 90 and 180 LPM.
Low-cost, long-term cost of ownership is an integral consideration in the design of the C Series range as is speed of fuelling and reliability – vital to commercial fuel operators.
Designed with durability in mind, Triscan’s comprehensive range of fuel pumps provide a reliable, accurate and long-lasting fuelling solution.